
Past events

Flexibility: the next step of industrial energy efficiency

On the 23 of February 2017, the IndustRE project organised an event at the premises of the project partner SCM in Rimini, Italy. The focus was on the application of the methodology that has been developed for assessing the amount of flexibility available and the income that can be generated when activating it in line with the different business models proposed by the project. In addition ot the project results, the Italian utility Enel provided their veiw on the market developments for flexibility.

Event Agenda

2nd IndustRE Stakeholders Workshop

The 2nd IndustRE Stakeholders Workshop took place in Brussels on the 12th of September 2016.

The project has produced key reports on business models and policy recommendations to stimulate industrial demand response. These are very timely in the context of the ongoing EU Market Design reform. Additionally, model contracts and a methodology for optimal valorization of flexible electricity demand in industry were presented and debated.

Watch presentation on Business Models Watch presentation on Model Contracts Watch presentation on Flexibility Assessment Download presentations Download minutes

Webinar: Flexibility potential of industrial plants

The IndustRE project aims to inform you, as interested professional service provider, about its proposed methodology to valorize industrial flexibility. Watch here our webinar introducing you to the methodology.

Watch the Webinar Download the Presentation

Workshop on Innovative Business Models

The IndustRE workshop on Innovative Business Models took place in Brussels on the 27th of October. The consortium presented a basic outline of the different possible business models for supplying variable renewable electricity to industrial users with a potential for flexibility in their demand. The discussion focused on the applicability of these business models within the current regulatory and market framework. The workshop was attended by representatives from the industry, academia and authorities.

Agenda Presentations List of participants Minutes of the event

IndustRE at the eStorage event

WIP, the coordinator of the IndustRE project, participated in the 3rd Annual Workshop of the eStorage project in the 15th of October in the premises of Alstom in Birr, Switzerland.

The project eStorage is funded by the FP7 programme and it aims at demonstrating a variable speed pumped hydro energy storage technology.  The workshop was intended for European power market stakeholders to meet and discuss about the project results and what they mean for the role of energy storage in the electricity market. Participants included representatives from the industry, utilities, TSOs and authorities.

The IndustRE project was presented among a discussion on the roles of demand response and energy storage which can be complementary or competitive depending on the circumstances. Michael Papapetrou (WIP) chaired a discussion on the regulatory and market design aspects that affect the offer of flexibility to the European power systems.

Link to event
Agenda Presentation

The role of electricity in the Heating and Cooling Strategy

The Copper Alliance presented the IndustRE project in an event (15 July 2015) dedicated to discuss the role of electricity in the Heating and Cooling Strategy, which is the contribution from heating and cooling efficiency in realising the EU's energy and climate objectives within the Energy Union Package.

The presentation focused on the Industry sector and provided input on how heating and cooling processes can be linked with the electricity system.  During the event, the IndustRE project was pointed out as a mean to investigate the available possibilities of Demand Side Management in order to assess how the electricity system can cope with an increased demand from industry (when switching from fuels to electricity).

Participants in the event included representatives from the DG Energy C3 Energy Efficiency and of the heat pump sector (EHPA), cogeneration (Cogen Europe), building performance (BPIE, E2BA), heating sector (EHIA) and country representatives of France and the Netherlands.



Energy Agency of Madrid (FENERCOM) Workshop

The European Copper Institute (ECI), gives a presentation about the IndustRE project and electrical demand flexibility in the Workshop "The role of copper for efficient use of electrical energy" (19tth May), organised by the Directorate General for Industry, Energy and Mining - Madrid Energy Foundation. The purpose is to show the benefits in energy efficiency that the proper sizing and proper use of copper components in electrical installations can bring.

Link to event

IEA Workshop - Renewable Energies for Manufacturing Industries

The European Copper Institute (ECI), a partner in the IndustRE project participates in the Workshop "Renewable Energies for Manufacturing Industries" on the 11th and 12th May at the International Energy Agency (IEA) headquarters in Paris, France. Organized by the IEA, the Workshop discusses how renewable energies could make their way into manufacturing industries on a larger scale, as set in the 2 degree scenario of the Energy Technology Perspectives publications, or even beyond. Each topical session discusses the following aspects of each renewable energy source:

Existing and possible future industrial applications

Technical & economical potentials of these applications

Existing technical/market barriers to further deployment and supportive mechanisms



EuroMed 2015 - Desalination for Clean Water and Energy

WIP Renewable Energy presents the IndustRE project in the seventh conference of the EuroMed series about Desalination for Clean Water and Energy. The scope is the Mediterranean region and the various related aspects of water desalination and water treatment, science and technology. The conference overviews the most recent developments in desalination technology, its cost and extent of application including socio-economic and environmental issues.

Link to event
Flyer Presentation

Annual CEER Conference on Flexibility

The IndustRE project was represented by the European Copper Institute to the 2015 Annual Conference of the Council of European Energy Regulators -CEER (29 January 2015). The conference was attended by over 150 delegates and focused on "unlocking energy market flexibility and demand-side response", underlining the importance of consumers in providing the much needed flexibility to the power system. The event looked at the challenges of delivering flexibility at wholesale and network level as well as innovative approaches to unlock consumers’ contribution to flexibility. The main focus was on residential customers, but a presentation on the contribution from industrial users was of direct relevance to the IndustRE project. The event has confirmed that the IndustRE project is working on a topic at the top of the European energy policy agenda, but has also shown that the focus is very much on the residential side and the project's work on industrial users provide useful contributions.

Link to event


"Renewable Energies & Flexible Industrial Consumption" Conference

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IndustRE at the European Utility Week

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